Monday 10 November 2014

Strange day in the office

My plan to wait for other teams to sort out the approach to deploying applications in Docker didn't work out quite the way I had hoped.

This morning I guided some colleagues to get our application set up to run from a Docker image, without worrying about the details of deploying anywhere - expecting that another development team would have that sorted out from their project first.

Sure enough, come mid-afternoon we'd established that the other development team didn't need that functionality yet so we'd have to figure it out for ourselves.

Okay, we have a tools engineering team that have already provided something Dockerised automagically through Dockerhub so they'll be able to show us how to do it in no time.

It turned out that the approach used so far involved Dockerhub pulling the Docker image content directly from a Git repository.  This doesn't quite suit our needs, as our application needs to be built from source first.

The ugly option involved setting up a dedicated Git repository for our binary artifact, which Dockerhub could pull across.

Back to the drawing board.

An hour or so later I overheard my colleagues mentioning something about authenticating to Dockerhub from Gradle.  It turns out that the plugin they've used for creating a Docker image can also be applied to push to a Docker repository.

Don't worry, there's more fun ahead to get this set up in the continuous deployment pipeline.

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